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How To Get Out Of The Remodeling Rut

Have you ever started a project and then didn’t finish it? Now when you look back that project is just more daunting than ever. You don’t want to hire someone to finish it because you know you can do it yourself, but you just can’t seem to get motivated. Here are a few things you can try to get yourself out of that remodeling rut and back on track.

Give Yourself A Deadline

Try to give yourself a realistic deadline. Sometimes a date is enough to push you back on the right path. However, sometimes you need a little more. Add a reward to your date. Once you finish the project on the date you’ve set, you also reward yourself with something worthwhile. Whether the reward is related to the project or not is completely up to you.

For example, if you are remodeling your bedroom then the reward can be to buy a new mattress once the room is finished. Or you can take yourself out to dinner. Whatever rocks your boat.

Print A Picture Of The End Result

Sometimes a visual is what we need to keep us motivated. If you have an end in sight, it may propel you to move faster. Print your goal and hang it near your project. If your project is behind a door or not something you see naturally, then hang the visual in a common area. The goal is to see the visual often until it inspires you to start working on the project again. Once you start, move the visual to the place of your project to keep the end goal in sight as much as possible.

Hire Someone And Give In

Sometimes a remodel simply turns out to be harder than you expected. Sometimes your schedule changes and you simply become too busy to make the time. In this case, maybe your best bet is to give in and hire someone to finish. If you do go this route, be sure to interview and receive quotes from at least three people.

Don’t Start A New Project

Sometimes you almost finish a project so you start a new one. Or maybe you get bored with one so you start a different one with the intention to come back to the other project later. If you have an unfinished project that you’re struggling to finish, definitely don’t start a new project. It might seem a like a good idea to start something else and come back to the other one later, but most times you end up with two unfinished projects. Unless you start something small and easy to finish we recommend you don’t even start.

If you are remodeling your home to sell it, be sure to use a licensed contractor for any major renovations. This is especially important for any remodeling the requires you to alter the structure of your house. Be sure to get a pre-listing home inspection before you list your home for sale. Call Divinity Inspection Services to schedule your home inspection now.