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Why You Can’t Skip The Home Inspection

The home inspection is one of the most important steps in your home buying process. So important, that skipping this step could have grave repercussions. Here’s why you can’t afford to skip the home inspection.

We see things you won’t see

A home inspector is a trained professional. We will see things that you won’t see. We will also check specific things around the home that you may not check yourself. Are you going to climb unto the roof? Into the attic and the crawl space? If you’re not, then at the very least you should hire someone to do so.

You have peace of mind and a warranty

A home inspector provides you with two important things: peace of mind and a type of warranty. Your home inspector wants to educate you about the home. If there any major concerns you can bring them up to the seller and negotiate a settlement, hence a type of warranty you wouldn’t otherwise have. Also, if your home inspector misses a major issue during their inspection, depending on what it is, you can still hold the seller responsible after the sale. Those are rare cases but worth mentioning.

Learn from those who skipped the home inspection

Here is a short story you can learn from. A young couple, first time homebuyers, decided they didn’t want to spend the money on a home inspection. Within 6 months of living in their house the A/C stopped working completely. It turned out the A/C had major issues which they wouldn’t have known because likely they didn’t really look at it. Had a home inspector done the job, it’s very likely the home inspector would have seen the issue with the A/C and warned them about the pending lifeline. Now that young couple will be responsible for paying for the fix. Don’t be this couple.

The list goes on and one. Truly it does. There are endless reasons why you can’t afford to skip the home inspection and shouldn’t! But these three should be enough to convince you to put the money into one of the most important steps in the home buying process! And you can schedule your inspection so easily directly from our website.