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Is Your House Ready For The Cold Weather?

In Florida we get cold weather pretty late in the year. In fact, for the last few years Christmas Day has been pretty warm in Tampa. But once January rolls around the cold weather starts to roll in and if you don’t prepare your home for the cold weather you could be inviting a host of problems. Here are a few simple things you can do ahead of time to prevent cold weather concerns.

Check your heater

Turn on your heater and let it run for a few minutes. If you haven’t run your heater basically all year, you don’t want to wait until it’s freezing outside to turn it on. This can create an abrupt start to your heating component and lead to faster wear and tear. Instead, choose a day that’s a little cool and turn on your heater. Let it run for about thirty minutes and turn it off. If there are any problems you should find out in that window of time. And better you find out know than find out when you really need it.

Clean out your fireplace

Some homes do have fireplaces in Florida. Yes, that may seem shocking but it’s true. If you have an indoor fireplace that you want to use this year, give it a thorough cleaning. Likely you didn’t clean it after using it last year. Check the flute to make sure it’s working properly. Clean out as much smut as you can and clear out all the old ashes. When the time comes you’ll be ready.

Change your filters

It’s easy to forget to change your filters any time of the year, but even more so during the holiday season. However, with your windows closed and your heater on to keep away from the cold, a clean filter is even more important. The only air you are breathing is the one moving through your house, so make sure you’re breathing clean air.

Clean before you close

Going back to the previous paragraph, you are about to lock up your house. Don’t lock in the dust and dirt with you. Do a pre-winter clean. Just like springing cleaning but for winter time. Clean the house as much as you can, including all the nicks and crannies, so your home stays both fresh and warm.

We hope these tips help you fair the cold weather for as long as we have it here in Tampa. Don’t forget we offer home inspections even through the holiday season.