warning about dangers in the home scaled

5 Dangers in the Home Most Homeowners Don’t Know

Skipping a home inspection during the home buying process could be a fatal mistake. Soon-to-be homeowners don’t understand the hidden hazards that could be lurking in their dream house. 

There are dangers in the home most homeowners don’t know about, and they can’t inform the buyers because they aren’t aware of either! From potential threats of bodily injury to substances that can make you sick, let’s review what dangers a home inspector looks for that are harmful to your health!

warning about dangers in the home

Electrical Problems

When electric wiring is old, it poses a serious risk of fire. If the previous homeowner “fixes” their own electrical system or hires a novice, technical issues in the installation could cause a blaze that destroys the entire home and takes the life of anyone inside. 

Be cautious when buying a new home and hire an experienced home inspector from a trusted company like Divinity Inspection Service. They can spot faulty wiring, unsafe practices like double-tapping circuit breakers, and old electrical systems that need to be replaced.

Carbon Monoxide 

According to the CDC, more than 50,000 people visit the ER per year because they were accidentally poisoned by carbon monoxide. Don’t be a part of the statistics. Get a home inspection and make sure your new home is protected by working CO detectors with new batteries.


Lung cancer ranks 3rd in the most deadly cancers in America and asbestos causes lung cancer. Asbestos was never banned as a building material (although they tried in 2002), and it could be lurking in that house. 

When asbestos becomes airborne, it travels as tiny fibers. If you breathe the “dust” it produces, asbestos particles can become stuck and remain in your body permanently. Wherever they sit, they produce inflammation and damage.  

Radon Gas

When uranium deposits decay, an invisible, scentless gas can naturally emit from the soil. Radon gas is not just bad for you, it’s one of the 2nd leading causes of lung cancer in America. According to the EPA, lung cancer caused by radon claims the life of 21,000 people annually.

Outdoors, it’s harmless. But inside, as it collects, it can be an enormous risk to your livelihood. A home inspector can perform a radon gas test for you. Then in negotiations, you can ask the buyer to install an underground ventilation system or otherwise make changes in air circulation that eliminates the threat. 


You don’t need a leak in the roof to find water damage in a house. An improperly ventilated roofing system will hold in all heat and moisture found inside of the house and trap it. As it condenses into water droplets, the attic space will become damp. This warm and wet combination is the perfect condition for mold to breed.

An HVAC system can also hide mold. If the system is too large for the size of the living space it cools too quickly and shuts off before dehumidifying the air properly. As water condenses inside of air ducts and vents, mold grows. When the AC or heat triggers and air flows through these spaces, it pushes the mold spores through your home for you to breathe.

Mold can also grow inside of the walls, around badly insulated windows, and on or near leaking pipes. Without the trained eye of a professional, these microorganisms can go unnoticed and cause havoc on your health. 

Tampa Bay Area Home Inspections to detect potential Dangers in the Home

If you are ready to purchase a home in the Tampa Bay area, you know that it’s crucial to receive a home inspection and discover the condition of the property. You and your family’s health and safety is on the line if you skip it.

Divinity Inspection Service is ready to help you make important decisions about your future so that you can remain happy and healthy around your investment. Get in touch with us for a home inspection you can count on.


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