a ramp like this is a possible measure against accessibility issues scaled

Commercial Building Inspection: Accessibility Issues


Commercial building accessibility issues are a hot topic in the United States right now.

With new laws and regulations popping up all the time on a national and state-wide level, it’s more important than ever to ensure your business is accessible to everyone. This is not only from a legal standpoint, but also so you can open your business to customers from all walks of life.

This guide will take you through everything you need to know about accessibility in commercial buildings, from the most common issues to keep an eye out for and how to ensure your commercial building is as accessible as possible.

What does commercial accessibility mean?

Accessibility, in a nutshell, refers to the ease with which people of all abilities can access and use a space.

That means accessibility issues could include things like a lack of wheelchair accessibility, Braille signs for the visually impaired, and audio assistance that’s clear and easy to understand for people with hearing impairments.

The goal of accessibility is to make sure that everyone can enjoy your commercial space equally without having to worry about obstacles getting in their way or the environment disabling them.

Why is addressing accessibility issues so important?

There are a few key reasons why accessibility is so important in commercial buildings and why it’s something you need to consider.

For one, and perhaps most importantly, it’s the law. 

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that all commercial buildings be accessible to people with disabilities and that accessibility issues are addressed, so people aren’t discriminated against.

But accessibility isn’t just about following the letter of the law. It’s also about ensuring your business is open to everyone, regardless of their ability level.

Think about it this way: if your building is inaccessible, you could miss out on a whole group of potential customers who simply can’t enter your space.

What’s more, accessibility can also make your business more efficient. If you have a well-designed accessibility plan in place, it can actually help you save time and money by streamlining things like customer flow and traffic patterns.

What are some common accessibility issues in commercial buildings?

There are a few accessibility issues that tend to crop up more often than others in commercial buildings.

One of the most common accessibility issues is a lack of wheelchair accessibility. This can be anything from a lack of ramps or lifts to a failure to provide adequate wheelchair-accessible bathrooms.

To resolve this, you don’t have to conduct a large-scale project to install ramps around your building. Instead, investing in removable ramp equipment, such as the ramps trains use, is both functional and budget-friendly.

To address the accessibility issue of a lack of Braille signs or other accommodations for the visually impaired, simply researching where the key parts of your business is and installing signage is all it takes to become accessible. 

How to improve your commercial building accessibility?

With all this in mind, it’s worth remembering that every commercial building is different, and what you need in your building may vary from another business. This is why it’s important to consider using a property inspection service.

A professional service will be able to identify any accessibility issues in your commercial building and help you create a plan to address them.

Here at Divinity Inspection Services, our team of experts, who are familiar with all the latest accessibility laws and regulations, will thoroughly inspect your space and identify any potential accessibility issues. We’ll then provide you with a comprehensive report detailing our findings and outlining recommendations for how

Don’t wait to get started on improving your commercial building accessibility — contact us today to schedule your inspection!


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Your Guide to the Americans with Disabilities Act – Accessibility Guidelines

If you own commercial property or certain residential buildings in Florida, you should be aware of the “Americans with Disabilities Act” accessibility guidelines. The US federal law requires owners of such properties to make reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. These guidelines help these property owners make sure they’re meeting expectations.

Whether you’re buying or selling the property, clearly understanding the accessibility guidelines is important.

parent with disability explaining the accessibility guidelines

A Breakdown of the Guidelines

The accessibility guidelines are set forth by the US Department of Justice in the Americans with Disabilities Act, known as the ADA. These standards exist to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy all aspects of life, including access to public buildings and accommodations.

You can find the most up-to-date standards on their website here.

There are three main sections of the accessibility guidelines: 

  1. new construction
  2. alterations
  3. accessibility in existing buildings

“New construction” refers to any building that is newly built or any addition made to an existing building. All new construction must be completed in compliance with the current accessibility guidelines and designed with accessibility in mind.

“Alterations” refer to any changes to an existing building that affect accessibility. This could include changes like

  • widening doorways,
  • installing ramps
  • adding an elevator

If you do updates of property the ADA guidelines apply to, these updates must comply with respective regulations. This is especially the case if you’re planning on using a property/home of yours

  • for rental purposes
  • listing an Airbnb
  • or vacation home, and so on.

“Accessibility in existing buildings” covers all buildings that were built before the ADA was enacted in 1990. The guidelines apply to any renovations or alterations to these older buildings.

Basically, if you have a property and you’re either constructing it or doing work to it, then you need to make sure your plans and actual work meet or exceed the current ADA guidelines at the time of the work.

Each section has different requirements, but some commonalities include features like:

  • wheelchair-accessible entrances
  • wheelchair-accessible exits
  • and wheelchair-accessible restrooms
  • Braille signage
  • adequate lighting

accessibility guidelines include braille

Ensuring Your Property Meets the Accessibility Guidelines

You can do a few things to ensure your home is accessible and compliant with the ADA guidelines.

One of the most important things you can do is have a clear understanding of the guidelines themselves. Familiarize yourself with the requirements so that you can make informed decisions about potentially necessary changes.

If you’re making any alterations or renovations to your home, make sure to factor in accessibility.

And finally, if you’re selling your property, it’s important to mention existing accessibility features or modifications. This will help set expectations for potential buyers and avoid surprises down the road.

The accessibility guidelines are an important part of the ADA, and they play a vital role in ensuring people with disabilities have equal access to all aspects of life. As a property owner in Florida, it’s important to be aware of these guidelines and take steps to ensure that (if applicable) your property is compliant. 

If you have any questions or need help getting your home up to accessibility standards, don’t hesitate to reach out and contact us here at Divinity Home Inspections. We’re always happy to help you make sure your property is up to standard and meets all the required expectations.

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Is Your Home Up to the Florida Building Codes?

Even 4,000 years ago, construction standards were in place. When a home fell apart and killed someone inside, the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi called for the builder’s death. The Florida building code might not be as strict as the Ancient Babylonians, but it is just as serious about protecting people.

In 1996, there were more than 400 local governments and state agencies that were responsible for different aspects of building codes. It was a disaster! So the Florida Building Code Study Commission was set up to analyze and improve the entire system of local building codes dating all the way back to 1974.

With a lot of time and patience, the Florida Legislature created a single minimum standard building code. The Florida Building Code has been controlled by the Florida Building Commission since March 1, 2002. Every three years, it is updated based on new developments.

Compliance with Florida building codes

What is the Purpose of Florida Building Codes?

The purpose of Florida building codes is to establish the minimum standards necessary to protect the integrity of the property, your well-being, everyone else’s safety, and the environment. 

It is not there to spell out if a residential property was constructed well. This is a common misconception that many homeowners and home buyers do not understand.

To know if the home you are interested in purchasing is a quality construction, you need a home inspection from a trusted company like Divinity Inspection Services to meticulously comb through the property and analyze its flaws, weaknesses, and necessary repairs.

Only a certified home inspector can tell you the true condition of your home at the highest standards.

How the Florida Building Code Helps the Home Buyer

In the case of a newly constructed home, an inspector looks for building code violations. In the event that he or she finds one, the contractors are called back to fix the violation. These codes are non-negotiable and should always be upheld.

But what is or isn’t code can make home buyers upset. Codes are only there for protection; therefore, what may be unattractive due to poor craftsmanship may not be a code violation. 

You can be certain that the building will be deemed safe and healthy, but it could look like the contractor had one too many alcoholic beverages, and it won’t be flagged. This can make prospective home buyers angry, and they have every right to walk because of it. But quality workmanship isn’t required by law and cosmetic repairs can’t be enforced.

Hurricane Protection

Terrible flaws in the building codes and their enforcement were exposed when Hurricane Andrew struck in 1992. Afterward, it became clear that building regulations were a big problem. This is why Florida refined their code standards. 

They mapped areas of the state based on maximum wind speeds and the chance of flying debris. What building codes your home must follow depends on what zone or region they are located within.

When you live in Florida, especially in a high-velocity hurricane zone, roofs, windows, and doors have special requirements. 

Wind-borne debris regions require higher standards of protection. In these houses, safety precautions are in place such as shutters and impact-resistant glass and reinforcing roofs with more attachments. 

New Construction

Some counties rush the construction process and allow builders to receive a Certificate of Occupancy prior to the completion of the house. Then builders decide to leave the house incomplete! When a home inspector confronts the home builder, they insist that purchasers accept the unfinished work because they have a Certificate of Occupancy. 

First-time homeowners are especially susceptible to falling victim to this strategy. This is why it’s important to have a trusted home inspector by your side during the home buying process to advise you. You should never feel pressured to buy a property that is not ready for you to move in, especially when it is a new construction.

Are You Looking for a New Construction Inspection in Tampa Bay?

A code inspection is a collection of minimal construction requirements, not a guarantee of excellence. The criteria of the building code are meant to safeguard life and property, not outstanding quality. 

If you take anything away from this article, we hope that it is this – When you ask yourself, “Is my home up to the Florida building codes?” know that you deserve so much more. You should know about the complete condition of your entire property from top to bottom. You should understand what repairs need to be made and what defects may be present.

When you buy a home, you want comfort, security, and convenience, and Florida building codes only scratch the surface by focusing on protection. A home inspector from Divinity can offer you the full picture.

Contact us today and schedule an appointment.

Florida building codes Compliance scaled

Is Your Business Up to the Florida Building Code?

It’s easy to overlook details of the Florida Building Code when building your business, but it is also potentially dangerous! Florida has several requirements for building structures. Fire exits are only one example of potentially life-saving construction measures. If you get in trouble with the code, you could face fines, penalties, or even a temporary shutdown. And that is in addition to the actual safety risks!

So it pays to engage a professional who can make sure that your business is in compliance with the building code requirements.

What is the Florida Building Code for Businesses?

The Florida Building Code is a set of regulations that establish the minimum level of protection for buildings and structures inFlorida building code - compliance Florida. It is used by architects, engineers, and contractors to design, construct and maintain facilities. The code also provides guidelines for other building professionals, such as inspectors and plan reviewers.

As a first step for more information, click here to learn about the Florida Building Code. The website will allow you to select your county and city from which you can view the current codes for both residential and commercial buildings.

It is important to stay current with your information: The content of the Florida Building Code is updated every two years by the Florida Building Commission (FBC) and applies to all new construction and remodeling projects involving buildings, structural components, and systems. This includes all residential, commercial, mixed-use, and industrial structures.

When developing or updating its codebook, FBC uses feedback from industry professionals across the state and input from code users such as architects, engineers, and contractors who have expertise in these areas.

If your business is performing any type of construction or remodeling project, you need to make sure it complies with the current building code. Adhering to these regulations is an essential step toward protecting your business property and the safety of your staff, customers, and neighbors.

However, reading about regulations does not guarantee your building’s compliance!

Hire the professionals for building inspections in the Tampa Bay area!

That’s where we come in! The experts of Divinity Inspection Service save you time, money, and trips to court with our commitment to code compliance. Adhering to the standards of the Florida Building Code is an important measure to preserve life, health, property, and public welfare. We help ensure you are using the latest and safest methods when you spend hard-earned money on your business property. Contact us for more information and to schedule an inspection!