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Top Technology Trends In Real Estate: Look Out

Technology expands across all industries, and real estate is no inspection. In fact, technology is making significant impacts on the real estate market. Here are some of the top technology trends in real estate to look out for in 2018!

Remote Home Control

Have you seen the new Samsung ad for the fridge that connects to your phone? One person can be at home writing things directly on the fridge door and you will receive that message directly on your phone! Now that is impressive technology. New equipment like this is making universal home control a standard in new homes. Managing lights, locks, even A/C vents from your phone or iPad will become a common practice.

The Use of Drones

The use of drones in real estate is already gaining in popularity. Home inspectors are using them in their home inspections. Real estate agents are using them to generate videos for a listing. The list goes on. Drones give a dramatic and effective experience of seeing a home, without actually seeing it. This technology is truly fantastic and will only increase in usefulness in the real estate industry.

Smart Systems throughout the Home

Similar to a universal home system, homebuyers today are also looking for smart home systems throughout the home. These include smart thermostats that self-control to optimize energy efficiency. Another would be a smart water system. These systems control aspects such as determining exactly how much water needs to be used to water your grass or will automatically turn off when it rains. The goal of smart systems is to become the most energy efficient on the most automatic scale possible.

These are just three of many emerging patterns and desires in today’s homebuyers. As a home inspector, we love to implement technology where we can. Anything to improve our home inspections. We use infrared lights to detect water leaks or water damage. We also use a pool leak detector to examine the state of the pool. If you need a home inspection be sure to give us a call or you can schedule your home inspection right here on our website!