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Tampa Hurricane Prep: We Did Good

Some might say we got lucky, some say it doesn’t make sense. According to one meteorologist, it was the and of God why Tampa got off so easy. We were expecting a direct hit from an intense hurricane and yet, what we experienced was mild. To say the least. We did good Tampa. And just in case, here’s what you need to know for the next hurricane prep.

The earlier you prep, the better

We ran out of a lot of things. We ran out of sand for the sandbags, gas for the cars, water in the stores, and plywood for boarding up our home. The people who decided to go ahead and get what they needed early are the ones who suffered the least. Lesson learned, the sooner you get what you need, the better.

Prepping for no power or water is difficult

I can honestly say the most difficult effect of the storm was losing power and water. Some were without power and water for almost a week. Others didn’t even lose power or water. Now that you’ve had the experience you can prepare even better. For those that didn’t, here’s what you need to know: everything takes longer to do and it will get hot pretty fast. I suspect more people will be investing in generators.

Hold on to your plywood

While we’ve dodged a bullet, hurricane season isn’t over quite yet. We’ve still endured the effects of flooding in various areas around Tampa Bay and we have seen what others have endured as a result of the hurricane. Before you quickly rid your home of your hurricane supplies, wait for the end of the season. You can also hold on to your supplies for a rainy day.

Divinity Inspection Services will inspect your home rain or shine. While we don’t recommend scheduling a home inspection during a hurricane, sometimes learning about a home best is during a storm. Schedule your home inspection online or give us a call to answer any of your questions!

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Prepare For Flood Disasters & Emergencies

Flood disasters and emergencies happen specifically during our rainy season here in Tampa Bay. As most natives already know, there are some areas in Tampa that are especially prone to flooding. Are you prepared to handle a flood disaster or emergency? We hope this article can help.

Keep emergency information on hand

The last thing you want to be doing during an emergency is looking for emergency information. Do you know your evacuation route? Do you live on an evacuation route? Here is a good resource to find the emergency contact information you need for your area:

Keep important documents in an easy to reach place

Keeping important documents together and easy to find can make all the difference in an emergency situation. If you have to go looking for your passport or birth certificate, you could really effect your response time. Many emergent sources recommend keeping copies of important documents in your home and the originals in a safe place outside your home.

Review your flood insurance policies

Understanding your flood insurance policy is very important. Ask your representative a lot of questions until you feel confident you understand your policy and make sure you have the proper level of protection.

Understand the difference between a flood watch and a flood warning

A flood watch means there is potential for flooding. A flood warning means flooding has already occurred or will occur soon. Knowing the difference can help you prepare for efficiently.

In conclusion, if there is an emergency situation, you won’t have a lot of time. If you are prepared, it won’t matter. During our home inspection, we are able to tell you if there has been any flood damage to the home or if you are potentially in an area that floods often. We also recommend driving by the home during a rainy day to see for yourself if there is any flooding in the neighborhood or in the house.